You DoWN?

You don’t have to fight for your life in the backend of your biz anymore.


The backend of your business is a little biT

of a mess.

On the surface, you’re all 
ambition and grit. 

The backend of your business is a little biT
of a mess.

You’ve worked your way up from nothing, building a business that fulfills your passions and totally lights you up. But, there’s something dark lurking beneath the surface that you don’t want your clients to see…


You’re manually sending out contracts, invoices, appointment invitations, and more.

There is always something slipping through the cracks.

You’re losing leads to slow response times (because you’re too busy to be glued to your inbox all day).

You find yourself writing the same email over and over again.

Worse than making for a less-than-stellar  
client experience, the madness of your business’  
backend has you one missed email away from  
throwing in the towel completely.

You don’t deserve to feel like anything less
than the badass you are.

So, instead of spending your days bracing yourself for total burnout, working 40+ hour weeks and getting nothing done, and never having the chance to get your great ideas off of the drawing board… Let's try something different.

world domination.

Let’s team up for

You’ve heard it before…

Even if you don’t know WTF they actually are, you know you need systems and automations in place to scale your business. But you know what’s even better than letting your business tools take work off of your plate?


Finally feeling like you’re not alone on the rollercoaster ride that is entrepreneurship.

Not laying awake at night mentally scrolling through your miles-long to-do list.

Trusting the tasks you don’t want to deal with to a person who knows your business just as well as you do.

Brain dumping your dreams onto someone and being presented with an organized to-do list of action items to make them come true.

Sending a late night message with an idea for a genius sales email, and seeing it drafted, segmented, and ready to send the next day.

Sometimes, you just need someone to tell you what to do, and take the reins of the unavoidable aspects of your business that don’t light your fire. That’s where I come in.



Hi, HoWDy, HeLLo

One thing you need to know about me–I’m a “trust the universe” type of person. So, growing up surrounded by entrepreneurs, I always trusted that the universe would show me a way to start my own dream business. While waiting for that spark of inspiration, I tried my hand at a couple different things–teaching yoga, real estate, office management, and bartending. Believe it or not, I found the most unexpected and useful life lessons while slingin’ drinks. Ain’t that just the way?

Between shaking whiskey sours and cracking Miller High Lifes you realize that people aren’t just sitting at your bar at 4pm on a Thursday to get their buzz on. If you’re kind, thoughtful, talented, passionate, and consistent, you can create a regular out of just about anybody. In my nearly 10 years of bartending, I had regulars that followed me to every single bar that I worked at. Not because I’m the best bartender (though I do make a mean Dirty Vodka Martini); because I provided the best client experience.

I’m Cassie–a Cali girl currently based in San Diego, CA with her Aussie husband.

That’s the gift that I give my clients–a customer experience that is so damn good it could make a person pay twice as much for the same beer they drink every day, just because their favorite bartender moved to the swanky bar up the street and they’re loyal AF. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Retiring from the service industry and starting my own business is the scariest thing I’ve ever done. But it’s also the most rewarding. I love taking a sidekick role in my clients’ businesses. I love being of service to people. I love the unlimited potential that comes with being an entrepreneur.

I love knowing, in my gut, that the sky truly is the limit.

One thing you need to know about me–I’m a “trust the universe” type of person. So, growing up surrounded by entrepreneurs, I always trusted that the universe would show me a way to start my own dream business. While waiting for that spark of inspiration, I tried my hand at a couple different things–teaching yoga, real estate, office management, and bartending. Believe it or not, I found the most unexpected and useful life lessons while slingin’ drinks. Ain’t that just the way?

Between shaking whiskey sours and cracking Miller High Lifes you realize that people aren’t just sitting at your bar at 4pm on a Thursday to get their buzz on. If you’re kind, thoughtful, talented, passionate, and consistent, you can create a regular out of just about anybody. In my nearly 10 years of bartending, I had regulars that followed me to every single bar that I worked at. Not because I’m the best bartender (though I do make a mean Dirty Vodka Martini); because I provided the best client experience.


Oh, and a few more things you should know…


I’m a Taurus sun, Sagittarius moon, & Scorpio rising.

I’m a ⅗ Manifesting Generator and life path #2.

I met my husband at Coachella, and we got married three months later. We’ve been married for eight years. When you know, you know.

I met my husband at Coachella, and we got married three months later. We’ve been married for eight years.
When you know, you know.

I’m obsessed with my dogs, Coco and Jim Morrison.

I turn your Type-B thoughts into Type-A action.

Ready to partner up with someone who will support you through all your money moves?